Working with Subversion


These instructions are only valid for Repoze components which have not been migrated to Github.

How-to: Get a read-only Subversion checkout

Anonymous, read-only Subversion checkouts can be made over HTTP:

$ svn co who-trunk

You should then be able to work inside who-trunk, fixing a bug or adding a feature. You can use Subversion commands as normal, e.g.:

$ cd who-trunk/
$ svn info
Path: .
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 8f1d8bf8-68d2-4fbe-a113-2afb08c80ed9
Revision: 8672
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: Tres Seaver <>
Last Changed Rev: 8673
Last Changed Date: 2010-03-26 16:21:39 -0400 (Fri, 26 Mar 2010)

Let’s say you wanted ot add a bit of explanation to the README.txt file:

$ vi README.txt

Subversion knows about the changes you made:

$ svn stat
M      README.txt
$ svn diff
Index: README.txt
--- README.txt       (revision 8276)
+++ README.txt       (working copy)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 for arbitrary WSGI applications.  ``repoze.who`` can be configured
 either as WSGI middleware or as an API for use by an application.

+Blah, blah
 ``repoze.who`` is inspired by Zope 2's Pluggable Authentication
 Service (PAS) (but ``repoze.who`` is not dependent on Zope in any
 way; it is useful for any WSGI application).  It provides no facility

You can keep your checkout updated with ongoing changes, too:

$ svn up
U    docs/api.rst
U    docs/
Updated to revision 8673.

and you may have to deal with changes which conflict with those you have made.

However, because you are working in an anonymous, read-only checkout, you cannot commit your changes back to the repository.

$ svn commit -m "R00l da world."
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Can't create directory '/home/repoze/svn/db/transactions/8675-1.txn': \
  Permission denied

Oops, is all your hard work in vain?

How-to: Submit a patch from your Subversion checkout

Once you have fixed the bug or added the feature in your checkout, double- check that you have touched all the bases (see Coding Standards and Layout and Conventions). All is well, the tests pass, you added documentation for your cool new feature, so it is time to submit the patch.

First, don’t try to cut and paste the output from svn diff into an e-mail message or a web-browser textarea: such operations usually end up mangling the line endings or other bits of the diff, and make it impossible to apply cleanly. The maintainer who has to do reconstructive surgery on such a victim may just give up and ignore the patch.

Avoiding the cut-and-paste train wreck is straightforward: just create the patch as a file:

$ svn diff > /tmp/repoze.who-my_cool_feature.patch

And then send or upload that file as an attachment: mailers and web-browsers are nearly as good at leaving attachments alone as they are at destroying sensitive inline text!

For repoze projects, the default place to submit patches is to the repoze tracker. You will need to register for an account, but you should then be able to create a new issue and upload your patch file to it. Good titles, descriptions, and tags on the issue should help it get the attention of the right maintainer for the project: if you don’t hear back fairly quickly, try asking on the repoze IRC channel, or follow up to the repoze-dev mailing list.

How-to: Get a writable Subversion checkout

The Repoze project grants write access to the Subversion repository to developers who are active with the project. To obtain write access to the Repoze subversion repository, you must sign a contributor’s agreement. This agreement is available in two varieties:

Agendaless Consulting, Inc
20 Pawnee Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Once you have submitted the form, a core developer will respond in e-mail requesting your SSH public key. Once that key is uploaded, you can make a writable checkout from Subversion:

$ svn co svn+ssh:// who-trunk

and then commit your changes back directly:

$ svn commit -m "Add new feature."